Did you know that infants require up to 12 nappies a day, and toddlers about 8? And that adults suffering from incontinence* use up to 4 adult diapers a day. Over a week or a month that adds up to a lot of used nappies.
What do you do with them all? Do you know whether you are disposing of nappy waste safely and correctly?
Instead of “what do you do with used nappies?” the question should rather be “what should you be doing with used nappies?” And the answer to this is determined largely by where you are and the volume of nappy waste that you are generating. That’s because nappy waste - when generated in large enough volumes - is deemed to be hazardous waste: if handled incorrectly, it would have a detrimental impact on health and the environment (it’s raw sewage, after all).
Domestic nappy waste, however, is not classified as hazardous waste. Rather, it’s classified as
"general waste" and can, therefore, be put out with your weekly rubbish
bin. This is because the quantity of nappy waste generated in most
homes is sufficiently small that it’s disregarded as a potential risk to
the environment. Even so, when you are at home and dealing with nappies
from your children (or perhaps an elderly relative) here are a few
things to remember to ensure safe and responsible nappy disposal. No matter how passionate you are about recycling, the fact is that
disposable nappies are simply not recyclable. When they get put in with
recycling, the workers at your local recycling facility have to sort
through used nappies to make sure that they don’t contaminate other
recyclable materials, such as paper and plastic. This makes their whole
system less efficient and more expensive, not to mention more unpleasant
for the recyclers. Getting rid of the solid waste from your baby’s nappy before disposal
will reduce odour and bacteria. Use gloves or a piece of toilet paper
to remove the waste and flush it down the toilet and dispose of the
nappy in your nappy bin. Ideally, you should keep nappy waste separate from other garbage and
food waste. Invest in a discreet, washable container with a lid, ideally
with a foot pedal that opens the lid so that you don't have to touch
the bin with your dirty hands. Be sure to line the bin with a plastic
garbage bag so that waste doesn’t touch the sides of the bin. Once this is full it can be added to your weekly rubbish for
collection into the municipal waste stream, and disposal at a landfill. Just remember that disposable nappies contain plastics which can take
up to 500 years to decompose! This means that every disposable nappy
that has been sent to landfill - since their invention in 1961 - is
still there, and will be for generations to come. Cloth nappies avoid
the problem of contributing to landfill, and use 20 times less raw
materials, 2 times less water and 3 times less energy to make. The
carbon footprint for cloth nappies is dependent on the washing and
drying conditions, but this can be anywhere from 81% -38% lower than
disposable nappies. If you run a business that is generating more nappy waste than a
domestic household - such as a creche, a pre-school, an old age home, or
even a shopping mall with baby change stations - you are no longer
permitted to dispose of that nappy waste via your municipal rubbish
bins. Large volumes of nappy waste require careful handling, collection,
packaging, temporary storage, transportation and ultimately disposal in
order to ensure that both public health and the environment are
protected. Initial is a registered waste carrier and can therefore offer
a safe and hygienic nappy bin service to ensure that nappy waste is
disposed of in accordance with legislative guidelines. Initial provides modern, high-capacity nappy bins with a concealed
liner retainer, ensuring that the bag is not visible from outside the
unit, which is collected on a regular basis. Nappy waste is disposed of
in accordance with municipal regulations for hazardous waste. To make things just that little bit more complex, nappies which are
generated in a healthcare facility such as a hospital or clinic and
which are suspected to contain pathogens - or come from people who have
been treated with certain drugs - are not classified as hazardous waste, but rather as healthcare risk waste (as per the National Environmental Management: Waste Act 2008 and SANS 10248). Healthcare risk waste is handled differently to hazardous waste, and
whilst it may be difficult to know whether the nappy waste contains
pathogens or contaminants, the legislative guidelines suggest that a
precautionary approach should always be applied. If there is a
reasonable suspicion of the presence of infection or contamination, the
highest precaution should be taken and nappies should be disposed of
within the healthcare risk waste stream. You can read more about Healthcare risk waste terminology in our previous blog post, and how it should be disposed of, here. This means that unlike nappies from old age homes or creche’s,
nappies originating from hospitals and medical facilities should be
treated as medical waste, and disposed of in a designated medical waste
disposal unit, with the regulation red 100-micron liner.At home
Never throw used nappies in the recycling
Flush solid waste down the toilet
Purchase a separate, hands-free bin for nappies
Creches, pre-schools, or old age homes
Hospital or healthcare environment
1. https://nationaldiaperbanknetwork.org
2. https://blog.initial.co.za/
3. https://www.idiaper.com/adult-diapers-budget
4. https://blog.initial.co.za/cleanliness/should-dispose-of-medical-waste-differently-to-sanitary-waste